An enchanting onboard experience between myth and legend.
Breathtaking landscapes, sea dives, relaxation, and wholesome fun.
Some of the places visited during the boat excursion:
The Sant'Elia Cove, a wonderful inlet at the foot of the ancient maritime village located between Cefalù and Palermo. Clear rock, vegetation, and sea make this place unique and full of contrasts, this location is a destination for tourists from all over the world.
The imposing Solanto Castle located between Casteldaccia and Porticello was built during the Norman period, one of the oldest Sicilian fiefs overlooking the sea, immersed in the overwhelming natural beauty of Sicily and the stories of fishermen and aristocratic families that inhabited it.
Adjacent to the Solanto Tonnara, the economic hub of the territory, was built at the end of the 17th century, consisting of a single environment with double royal vaults constructed with sandstone blocks that give the environment a warm and evocative golden effect. It was truly important for the economy of the entire kingdom, providing fresh and salted fish to convents and hospitals in Palermo and beyond. Over the centuries, various characters from royal lineage and noble classes have passed through, including Queen Bianca of Navarre, who took refuge here in 1410 to escape the plots of the Count of Modica, in the 1500s it passed to the Alliata family, then to the Filangeri, and was also hosted by Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, and from 1870 it passed to the current owners, the princes Vanni di San Vincenzo. In 1963, the famous director Luchino Visconti would make the film The Leopard, a cinematographic masterpiece, not only because he would trace the most suitable and faithful city streets for the transposition of the novel, but would also recreate nineteenth-century settings, paying attention to every single detail. Two splendid actors would arrive a year earlier in Sicily precisely to contribute to the film's creation, Claudia Cardinale and Alain Delon, who during a break from filming, were guests in the Solanto Castle, also remaining enchanted and amazed by that gulf with crystal-clear waters.
The Formica Rock, located about a mile east of the Porticello port in PA, in northern Sicily. A marvel in the open sea where you have the opportunity to swim with many fish in stunning water unique for its biodiversity. Black coral, gorgonians, starfish, amberjacks, octopuses, sea bream, and much more.
The Capo Zafferano Lighthouse, overlooking the sea, divides the territory of Bagheria from that of Santa Flavia. Beautiful and evocative, surrounded by nature and seagulls.
The three pools, in Bagheria among the ten most beautiful places in Sicily to swim, wonderful coves appreciated for the color of the sea with incredible light play that gives a unique sense of well-being.
The Blue Arch, a Bagherese geosite famous worldwide for the Perugina Kiss spot. A place of unique romanticism. This is a taste of our boat excursions, because the other wonder is the numerous caves located along the coast and much more…